Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Time with Jesus

So the other night I was feeling lonely. My room mate has moved out, so I live in a big house by myself. The holidays just ended, so I'm not getting to enjoy the company of my family. i could go on and on about the different reasons I've been feeling lonely lately. Thankfully I was journaling/praying during my quiet time and what do you know Jesus hit a home run!

I've always valued time spent with others. I'm a people person as most of you know. I like being around people all the time, I like learning about other people, I like to invest my time in others. I know I consider it such a blessing whenever I get to spend time with my friends! The time my friends spend with me I consider extremely valuable. Well, in the midst of my complaining that I wanted someone to spend time with. God said "Why don't you spend time with me?" Wow, let me tell you I lost my breath I felt so bad... All the time Jesus is knocking on the door offering, here I am, spend time with me, enjoy me...

Do you know how ever so often you look at the Bible next to your bed and say, oh i'll get to it later as you rush out the door to go meet a friend for dinner... Well God has really convicted me on this one. I shouldn't let him be second priority...

Do you ever feel like I don't want to get into it because I know with my thinking that it will end up taking hours and I only have half an hour right now... I get so mad at myself - why do I worry about that... Cause when I do open God's living word - wow, he always speaks straight to my heart! Who cares if I spend hours communing with Jesus - Nothing in this world is more important than the trinity! I mean Jesus did give the ultimate sacrifice - he gave his life for me so that I can SPEND TIME WITH GOD!!!!

Am I hitting any chords here?

Well, this loneliness isn't there anymore. When I get home to my empty house I just go sit down with my favorite book and let the Holy Spirit meet with me...


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