Monday, December 11, 2006

Free in Christ; trust in Christ

I have been reading through the Chronicles' of Narnia, and these are some things that stuck out to me in the book The Horse and His Boy (Book 3 of the series).
" 'I say,' put in Shasta in rather a shocked voice, 'oughtn't you to say 'may he live forever?'
'Why?' asked the Horse. 'I'm a free Narnian. And why should I talk slaves' and fools' talk?' I don't want him to live forever, and I know that he's not going to live forever whether I want him to or not. And I can see you're from the free North too. No more of this Southern jargon between you and me!' " (p 14)

How awesome that as Christians we are free!!!!!!!!!! However, because we are free doesn't mean that God hasn't given us very specific rules for us to follow- His law is first...
ESPECIALLY, Love one another as Christ FIRST loved us!

" 'Daughter,' said the Hermit, 'I have now lived a hundred and nine winters in this world and have never yet met any such thing as Luck. There is something about all this that I do not understand: but if ever we need to know it, you may be sure that we shall.' " (p 148)

I'm so glad that God is in complete control... I will trust in Him, and when He is ready for me to know His will, He will reveal it to me, but ONLY in HIS timing!

CS Lewis was a genius...


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