Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Connections, Beginnings, Ends...

I love how everything in Rome is connected...
I walk around and pretty much I can take any back alley and find my way- I've become friends with the streets that connect many of the monuments that we frequent as a class...
The relationships built here with friends from Auburn as well as locals are priceless... Our landlord is greatly amused by me always smiling- he'll mention to my classmates "sempre, sempre" and point to my smile, at which point my classmates agree... I have a butcher at the market that I go to every morning that also likes my smiling- the Italians don't smile much- He told me the other day that he is going to cry when I leave... The bread lady who sets up right next to my butcher is really sweet she's a blond girl that can't be older than 30. Every time I go, I go to my butcher first, then her, and now when I show up at the butcher she always says, Ciao Barbara- easier for them to understand than my nickname "BJ" especially since there isn't a J in the Italian alphabet- I wish I could bring the market back to the US...

In the beginning, I was terrified because I didn't know Italian- this morning in a little piazza I had a capuccino and a lady stopped and asked me for directions to another piazza that I gave to her- It's so nice being able to communicate... but the end is FAST approaching- I'm sad in so many ways, yet I'm tired from the constant going and doing, but I only havce 3 weeks left and I want to do so many other things before I leave... But the good thing, and what I normally like to do is think positively: this isn't an end, only a beginning of having a new view of life after being exp0sed to Rome... Maybe one day I will get to come back...


Blogger ericka b said...

BJ! I love this post! It takes me back to Oregon. We southerners are smilers and that is multiplied immensely for those of us who have the joy of the Lord! Throw us in another culture and we stick out like a sore thumb- in a good way! I'm reminded of an email I got while I was in Oregon from my friend Christian Calhoun- I looked in my old email and found it-here is the part of it that applies to you:

"...I know that no matter the circumstances up there and how bad it may seem God still is doing great things through you and even if you realize it or not the impact you make is going to help change some many peoples lives. From a smile on your pretty face to a simply hello your actions and words echo His love to others around you and that is His gift to you. So be encouraged dont get down and keep on loving just like He loves you..."

I remember thinking "a smile?! That's going to really make a difference?" But right after that I started getting compliments and comments about my smile. I remember a sweet homeless man telling me "That smile just makes my day". I wanted to cry. Who was I to doubt God could use a simple smile to affect someone? I know from what you are writing that yours is thrilling the hearts of all who meet you!

Psalm 34:5
Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame.

2 Corinthians 3:18
And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.

Keep reflecting Him in that sweet smile and beautiful face radiant with His love! You have no idea what an impact you'll have! I love you!

1:09 PM  

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