Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Bad Habits

What classifies a bad habit? How do you differentiate between a bad habit and a quirk?? I know I'm full of oddities :o) God made me this way, and I'm thankful for it! Back to the bad habits... would anything that is harmful to our bodies define a bad habit? Why is it so hard to break a bad habit??

So, I enjoy chewing Ice- which is bad for your teeth... I've tried to stop, but for some reason I've been unsuccessful... I also pop my knuckles and my back... but this is weird because I've stopped for a while and my back and knuckles hurt like a sharp pain until I pop them... I don't understand, but I want to stop cause I think it's very unladylike, but I don't want to stop because I don't want to be achy all the time.

Well, I was thinking... maybe bad habits are like sin... it's hard to give it up- like the precious ring in Lord of the Rings It's hard and even sometimes painfully hurts to give sin up... but God calls us to do so- He wants us to take the path of righteousness, which is not always going to be easy... He wants us to bind His statutes around our necks... To not stray from the good teachings of His word... Sin is harmful to our bodies just the way that bad habits are...

God is our help, maybe these bad habits are so we will learn to depend on Him in the simple, extremely minor things of our daily lives... First He has to make me aware of when I'm popping my knuckles (I don't even realize I've done it sometime)... Then He is going to have to give me the strength to bear the pain and to restrain from the temptation of popping them...


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