Friday, March 10, 2006

48 hours survived...

So WOW... Italy, specifically Rome is indescribable... the pictures don't really do it justice... It's completely different when you experience it tangibly... So the first day was pretty intimidating, but the Lord is so good, and helped me through it. I am in a city that I don't know the language, but I'm trying to learn the language. They find it amusing that I'm trying to speak in their language and not just assuming that they speak English... there are tourists EVERYWHERE, not just Americans, but you can spot us like sore thumbs, but there are tons of Russians believe it or not... They've told me that I don't stick out too bad and I don't have a strong American accent- whatever :o) - Well, the wine is amazing, had a glass last night with my margherite pizza (cheese pizza)... The olive oil is pretty amazing as well...

Day 1: arrived and Katie and Erin (Crusade stint girls) were blessings and met me at the airport. I waited about 30 minutes and made people think I was French, which threw people off, but it made them stop bothering me... good attention diverter... We took a shuttle to my hotel, then we went and got a cup of capuccino Italian style (standing)... EVERYTHING here is tight, narrow, small spaces- really cozy, I kind of like it- a lot actually... Then they left and I walked around for 2 hours then ate lunch, then walked around and sketched for about another 4 or 5 hours, then went back to the hotel just as it was getting dark and crashed...

Day 2: woke up at 5 am without an alarm, packed up my suitcases, and walked through the streets of Rome with my bookbag and one small rolling suitcase at 6:30am... it was about a 30 minute walk to the residence, that only by God's grace I found, with my limited knowledge of Italian to ask directions. Well, I checked in and unpacked/organized a bit, then my roommate and classmate arrived, and she walked with me back to my hotel to get my other suitcase, then we took the bus to go back to the residence, but it stopped at a different place, so we ended up walking around Vatican city (up hills toting my 50 pound suitcase) quite a long way... then we went and walked around- to the spanish steps and window shopped... oh, and yes, the gelato (ice cream) pretty amazing as well! all in all, I'm still in awe of this city! I went in two churches so far, and it's amazing how insignificant you feel! God really is huge, and one of my friends who isn't religious but went with me said, "how can you not feel religious when you walk into a place like this" I think that kind of sums it up... I just got internet access, but I"m planning on writing in here as often as I can...

Day 3: We went to the market this morning- FRESH EVERYTHING, at 7 am we saw the seafood coming off the trucks still twitching... the mozzerella- wow, amazing! and the fruit, freshly picked, pretty great! wow, I'm just in awe of this place... and Nuns walking around just makes me smile...


Blogger ericka b said...

AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I miss you SO! I've almost called you about 15 times, almost turned into the mansion twice, thought and prayed for you so much but couldn't see you- sad sad sad! But I'm so glad you're loving it... it sounds like God is already blessing you with the beauty you are surrounded with!!!

I am going to SkyBar with a guy friend tonight, because I have no over 21 girlfriends to go with. They are all out of town OR IN ITALY! How sad is that? Miss you love! Can't wait till you're HOME!!! Eat some gellato for me! ;) *MUAH*

5:56 PM  
Blogger ericka b said...

No street sign stealing!!! NO NO NO! We can't come bail you out of jail in Italy!

hahaha- love u!

8:57 PM  

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