Monday, February 27, 2006

Time, what a fleeting thing!

Anxiety, not a good thing... I associate it with stress... So, I really wish that I could just say be gone anxiety and it wouldn't bother me anymore... There should be no reason for me to be apprehensive about anything- God has a plan and a purpose for my life, and it is timed so perfectly I cannot even imagine... yet, I still get all caught up in the world and I start worrying... but worrying does nothing except stress me out! AHH! Just proves how I don't understand myself, and how the world is not the way I'm supposed to be living!

I'm about to leave to go to Rome, and I'm totally psyched, yet I'm really sad to leave my friends in Auburn. I'm going with my class friends, so that will be fun, but my outside friends will be on the other side of the world from me. I wish that I had more time to spend with them before I leave, but I just have to trust that God will bless me with time to spend with them once I return even if they are graduating and going out into the wide world!

OK, so this might be stupid, but I'm afraid of my friends forgetting me in a way or our friendships becoming less close because someone else is in their lives since for this next 8 weeks I'm going to be abroad. I don't really know how to elaborate on this, but I don't really like change, and I'm comfortable right now, and I've been blessed with some incredible friendships that have grown this semester! I've gotten to spend a lot of time with them, but now I'm going to be ripped up and replanted in a strange place where I won't get to spend time in their presence, rather through writing and reading. I don't know what to expect other than I'll just have to see what God has planned for me and the time He has arranged for me to spend abroad as well as what He has in store for me when I return... Experience will only tell... Here goes Lord- I'm waiting on you...


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