Thursday, April 13, 2006

calling wolf...

So I'm struggling with some major pet peves of mine...
I hate telling people that I will be somewhere, and then not showing up.
I hate saying I'll do something, and then not following through.
hate is a strong word, but these things make me feel awful, like I'm calling wolf, and then people will not trust me anymore...
Being in Rome is really hard- a lot more people than I thought are not religious on my trip than I thought- false expectations, my fault...

There is a Christian community through Campus Crusade for Christ that is here, and I was going to go to a Bible study they were having a couple of times, and I've told the sweet girl I've been talking to 3 times that I was going to come, and things have come up, and I haven't been able to go... one of them being forgetfulness, another not realizing what day it was, another getting busy and losing track of time... I've apologized, but I still just feel like the most untrustworthy, dishonest, unfaithful person...
I hate overcommiting myself, but I can't seem to say no, and then it's a self destructing cycle...


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