Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Stay with me...

A simple request that the Lord demands of us... Wow, blessings are too many to count, and God is still with me... How wonderful that He loves us so much to remain with us if we remain with Him...

So, I had a wonderful talk with my older brother, I don't know how I lucked out so much- the only explanation is that God is PERFECT! and knows me better than I know myself, and therefore He planned for my brother to be such an incredible man of God and witness to me...

A few things my brother had to remind me of:

God isn't an obligation
We are in the world, and it's okay to enjoy life, and i'm sorry i don't have the passage where God talks about enjoying our food and drink
We are not at home here on earth- we are IN the world, not OF it...
God is our final goal, and He isn't just teaching us book knowledge from the Bible, but life lessons as well!

I'm just so lucky and blessed...
There is no other place I'd rather be than right where God wants me to be...
Caught up in the middle of God's plan for my life...

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Connections, Beginnings, Ends...

I love how everything in Rome is connected...
I walk around and pretty much I can take any back alley and find my way- I've become friends with the streets that connect many of the monuments that we frequent as a class...
The relationships built here with friends from Auburn as well as locals are priceless... Our landlord is greatly amused by me always smiling- he'll mention to my classmates "sempre, sempre" and point to my smile, at which point my classmates agree... I have a butcher at the market that I go to every morning that also likes my smiling- the Italians don't smile much- He told me the other day that he is going to cry when I leave... The bread lady who sets up right next to my butcher is really sweet she's a blond girl that can't be older than 30. Every time I go, I go to my butcher first, then her, and now when I show up at the butcher she always says, Ciao Barbara- easier for them to understand than my nickname "BJ" especially since there isn't a J in the Italian alphabet- I wish I could bring the market back to the US...

In the beginning, I was terrified because I didn't know Italian- this morning in a little piazza I had a capuccino and a lady stopped and asked me for directions to another piazza that I gave to her- It's so nice being able to communicate... but the end is FAST approaching- I'm sad in so many ways, yet I'm tired from the constant going and doing, but I only havce 3 weeks left and I want to do so many other things before I leave... But the good thing, and what I normally like to do is think positively: this isn't an end, only a beginning of having a new view of life after being exp0sed to Rome... Maybe one day I will get to come back...

Thursday, April 13, 2006


This is a really long post, sorry- it's been a long time since I updated... time flies when you're abroad trying to get everything done you want to get done... so much still left for me to see that I haven't seen!

God puts us in places we don't always want to be... or God puts us in situations we don't want to have to deal with in order for us to address whatever it is we might be avoiding...
I want to be in Rome, but I want to be in Auburn at the same time...

I had a really hard time deciding whether or not I would come to Rome because of a fear that I would fall to sin or temptations I didn't know how to deal with... For example, there is the temptation not to seek out a church because I'm in a strange place where people don't speak my language... the temptation to get caught up in my schoolwork and not make time for God since there isn't anyone to keep me accountable on the trip- which has proven to be something I've fallen on, I get busy then too tired, but then there are days where I'm filled with the Lord's presence, and a desire to get in His word... And there are times that I feel alone (but I know that I am not- God's right here with me) and at times I feel like a bad person (previous post) but then when I go to the Lord, I always feel so much better! I don't understand why I allow a gap to ever form between my and the Lord! Anyways I'm here now...

I also feel like I'm incapable sometimes, but that's where I have to remind myself that I must lean on God- His strength, not mine, Jesus is the only one that has lived a blameless life and not succumbing to Satan's temptations... I feel like I am failing God in so many ways... There's a lot of emotional turmoil going on inside me right now- as you can probably tell, and a lot of this is because I'm tired... Every time I see the portrayals of Jesus' crucifixion, tears come to my eyes, I'm the one that caused His death! Me, a wretched sinner, is going to be an hier alongside Jesus! How can it be? My human mind doesn't allow my comprehension of this... I feel so bad for the pain that I've caused and still cause God even today when I let Him down, or disappoint Him...

I don't know what to think or do right now... I miss my family, my friends, my Church... I also know that I haven't been praying enough, or spending enough time in the word, which causes a gap from being close to God, but it is easily taken care of by making time to meet with Him... there is so much to do here that I've been making the choice to go and do rather than getting in the word, which I feel is putting Him second- this is really embarrassing to admit- and of course I feel like I'm doing too little and my classmates think that I'm an overzealous Christian- I'd like them to meet the women in my life that are such role models in their spiritual walks for me and who I feel have a desire to know the Lord the way that I do... I'm not the only Christian that is gung ho for Jesus!

There's a lot of negativity around... It's hard not to give into the pettiness, and when I do it's when I'm weak because I haven't been delving into God's truth enough... The atmosphere is wearing on my normally happy go lucky style... I don't feel like anyone here understands, and people don't like my positivity- it makes them feel uncomfortable and stressed out and exhausted... it's really hard- I don't want to change, but I feel like I should because I'm bothering those around me, which I never want to be in the way or cause problems... I don't know why it's hard to be happy or positive because we have sooooo much to rejoice over! there are so many things that God has blessed us with~!!!

I don't want to concern myself with the things of this world, but I definitely allow them to sometimes... God is all that matters- which is why I'm so upset with myself that I've been putting my spiritual walk on the back burner so far since I've been here- which is what I was afraid of, and yet I'm still doing it... There are good intentions of making the choice to be around my classmates because I want my them to see God through me so that God can use me to work on their hearts, so they might know the joy, peace, righteousness, friend, comfort, etc. that I have found in the Trinity...

God has accomplished so many incredible and wonderful things in this world, and I trust that He will continue to do so...

I need to listen.......

calling wolf...

So I'm struggling with some major pet peves of mine...
I hate telling people that I will be somewhere, and then not showing up.
I hate saying I'll do something, and then not following through.
hate is a strong word, but these things make me feel awful, like I'm calling wolf, and then people will not trust me anymore...
Being in Rome is really hard- a lot more people than I thought are not religious on my trip than I thought- false expectations, my fault...

There is a Christian community through Campus Crusade for Christ that is here, and I was going to go to a Bible study they were having a couple of times, and I've told the sweet girl I've been talking to 3 times that I was going to come, and things have come up, and I haven't been able to go... one of them being forgetfulness, another not realizing what day it was, another getting busy and losing track of time... I've apologized, but I still just feel like the most untrustworthy, dishonest, unfaithful person...
I hate overcommiting myself, but I can't seem to say no, and then it's a self destructing cycle...